Where are you? Hospitality? You aren?t at the local bookstore. All I can find is cookbooks: lots and lots of cookbooks and a tiny section on etiquette. I was also directed by a very helpful clerk to DIY and decorating magazines.
Archives for August 2014
Pewter Keys & Mason Jars
We all have those special friends that demonstrate the Fruits of the Spirit in the way they live. They’re those friends who lift you up by showing gentleness & kindness, or goodness & love.
Fretting About Guests
It’s not about perfection, it’s about the people; so live life… together! I say this all the time, and I do believe it. I try to live it out.
At the End…
The END. What is in this for me to learn? Why am I always at the end of things, situations, and supplies? Perhaps the true lesson is this: I desperately need to get to the end of myself.